Tips to Overcome Blockages in Your Magic!

Magic is an ART, everyone develops their own style and there really is no right and wrong, and that is what makes it so beautiful! Always do what feels right to YOU. 

 With that being said, witches can also face energy blockages, much like an artist...

Let's go over some tips that can help you overcome blockages like your Magick not working as fast or effective as you’d like or... at all 😟


It is vital to develop trust between you and the forces you choose to work with. Trust them to help you achieve your goal. Learn to let go of your work energetically once completed and trust that those forces will take care of the rest. Let it flow!

 It is also a great idea to cleanse before and after ritual to release the energy that no longer serves you.



Frustration can build if you feel that you’ve followed the ritual correctly but it’s not happening how you pictured, release and start again but this time with clear intentions.
What do I mean by that? Magic should be simple and direct. Use phrases like “I am happy” instead of “I want to be happy” or “I wish I was happy” 

Breaking down your spell into smaller segments may also help advance your wishes. For example you are working on a spell to finish school successfully! That’s great, but very vague. Work on that goal in smaller steps like  passing each exam with a spell to aid in concentration and a little luck on your side. 


Magic is a way for us to actively reshape our reality into something more favorable for ourselves. Often we work with Elements, Deities, Spirit, even our Higher Self- be sure to understand the energy you wish to connect with. Do a little research and learn about them. Find ways to connect with them be it through ritual, meditation, prayer, offerings etc. Always approach magic with understanding, respect and mindfulness. 

Blessed Be.